Improving the first-time experience can improve retention

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B2B products provide organizations with the tools and resources they need to streamline their processes, improve communication and collaboration, and increase productivity. However, for software solutions to truly be successful, it’s important that it provides an excellent first-time experience for users.

A first-time experience is like a first impression. Think about the last person you met. What was your very first impression of that person? Was it positive or negative? Why?

First impressions count. Humans are made to size up other people very quickly, and the science backs this up. In fact, it takes just seven seconds to make an impression on someone. People judge trustworthiness, intentions, and strength on both visual and auditory clues. It can be tough to overcome a negative impression.

Software makes a first impression, too. Although non-human, users expect software to react and behave in the ways they expect. We call this the first-time experience.

This article will go over the importance of a positive first-time experience in B2B software and offer practical tips and best practices for improving it.

Why is the first-time experience important in B2B software?

The first-time experience with a B2B software solution sets the tone for the entire relationship between the user and the product. In many cases, the first-time experience can make or break a new product.

The first-time experience may play a role in whether or not a customer decides to continue using the software or recommend it to others. If a product can’t keep up with the customer, they won’t stick around for future iterations for it to get better.

In a saturated market, it is easier for them to continue looking for an already-mature product that will immediately resolve a user’s issues. If a product can show it can handle the needs of a company right away, the more likely they will stay on and feel confident growing with the product. It’s important that the product makes the best first impression with users in order to entice them.

A good first-time experience can also

  • increase user engagement
  • create a sense of ownership and familiarity with the software
  • promote the adoption of new features and functionality

In one case, catching confusing flows, terminology, and incongruencies between the ideal users’ mental models and the product before the product release helped to create a more helpful first time experience that excited users in tests.

Tips for improving the first-time experience in B2B software

Streamline onboarding

The onboarding process is the first interaction a user has with the software, so a smooth and seamless experience is critical. To achieve this, B2B products should focus on streamlining the onboarding process — reduce the number of steps required to get started and make it easy for users to access and navigate the software.

You can streamline onboarding by

  • creating a clear and intuitive interface
  • providing step-by-step tutorials and help resources
  • ensuring that users have the necessary information and tools to get started

You can help users learn the product by providing a tutorial or creating a wizard that adds pop-up messages to explain what the user is pressing and why.

Many users may want or need to understand what functions they are activating and how it’s changing their environment in order to feel comfortable enough to use the product without guides confidently.

Personalize the experience

Personalization is a key factor in creating a positive first-time experience for B2B software users. By tailoring the software to the specific needs and preferences of individual users, you can create a sense of ownership and familiarity, and help users feel more engaged with the product.

People like experiences tailored to them, as well as the ability to control their experience. Allowing users the opportunity to do both for themselves can endear the product to users.

To personalize the first-time experience, tailor the onboarding experience based on a user’s role and responsibilities. You can also provide tailored recommendations based on previous usage or even offer the ability to customize settings and preferences.

Here are some other personalization ideas:

  • Show quick links based on the user’s most frequently used files.
  • Give users the ability to rearrange dashboards so they can use their preferred mental model.
  • Allow users to keep recently saved or worked on files in easily accessible areas upon opening the product.

These are all ways users feel the product can mold to their workflow.

Provide comprehensive training and support

Providing comprehensive training and support ensures users have the skills they need to use the software effectively. This includes offering training sessions, webinars, and tutorials, as well as providing access to user guides and FAQs.

A dedicated support team can assist users with any questions or issues they may have. This can be in the form of a live chat or phone support, as well as access to a knowledge base or community forum.

Users should feel heard and looked after, especially when running into blocks and getting frustrated. Whether or not the user is trying to complete a complex or basic task, they should be able to look to those knowledgeable about the product for help.

Foster a sense of community

Creating a sense of community among users can help to increase engagement and improve the first-time experience. By providing a platform for users to connect, share ideas and best practices, and collaborate on projects, companies can foster a community that actively uses the platform.

Users may feel validated in their choice of product when they see others have made the same choice, and inspired when others share ways to get the most out of the product. You can offer user groups, forums, and discussion boards, or you can host virtual or in-person events and webinars.

Continuously monitor and improve the experience

Finally, companies must continuously monitor and improve the first-time experience to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. This can be done by regularly collecting feedback and testing to ensure user needs are still being met.

Track and monitor customer retention for a baseline look of how new customers are adapting and sticking with the product. When customer retention drops, B2B products should look into their current users’ initial frustrations with the product, and even look into why users prefer the competition.

Updates to address usability issues, unforeseen bugs, and add new features show that the product is not only alive and well, but they listen to the people that use the product. Remember that users who stay past the onboarding experience and offer feedback want the product to succeed.


In conclusion, delivering a great first-time experience for users in B2B software is critical for retaining customers and setting the tone for a long-lasting, productive relationship. By focusing on simplicity, personalizing the experience, providing comprehensive training, offering 24/7 support, encouraging user feedback, and continuously improving and updating the software, B2B software providers can help ensure a positive and productive user experience as soon as a new user signs up and signs on.

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